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Physiological functions of NHR-80
NHR-80 encodes a nuclear hormone receptor, expressed in the intestine, that regulates expression of the delta-9 desaturases FAT-5/-6/-7, and thus regulates fatty acid metabolism; NHR-80 is fully required for any expression of FAT-7, full expression of FAT-5/-6, viability in the absence of FAT-6, and transcriptional hyperactivation of fat-7 in the absence of FAT-6, and for a fully normal adult lifespan.
Potential applications of NHR-80 LBD
This LBD can be fused with different DBDs forming a composite hormone receptor for ligand regulated expression of specific genes and can also be a sensor for various lipid natured molecules.
Applications of BBa_K364318
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UNIQc28ec18b899487d6-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQc28ec18b899487d6-partinfo-00000001-QINU